Are You Pushing to Earn a Spot on the Golfer's Top 100 List?

While you may never reach the whopping $8.5 million that Tiger Woods made by getting 1st place six times in 2013, you can still turn an impressive income by managing to squeeze into the Top 200.

In 2013, pro golfer Casey Wittenburg earned over $425,000 for his spot at #150. Reaching the Top 100 may double that amount, so it certainly is something worth striving for, but being #200 isn't anything to laugh at.

Breaking the Top 100 comes with a deal of satisfaction for any golfer. Whether it be the money or the fame that drives you, you owe it to yourself to strive to be #1, but it comes with great sacrifice and effort that not everyone is willing to give.

In the end, it all comes down to the love of the game ... enjoy what you do and the benefits will speak for themselves.

Posted on 10/31/2013 in Anywhere

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